Saturday, July 9, 2011


After 11 months of inactivity, I have decided to return to the blogging world - as a mother.  Yes, my husband and I welcomed a baby daughter on May 13th, and couldn't be happier to have her here!
My pregnancy was awful - I was sick for the first 4 months, followed by 5 months of doctors visits to try and diagnose my mystery illness; which, by they way, merely turned out to be pregnancy itself.  Due to my "mystery illness" my doctor recommended that I be induced in order to guarantee she would be able to attend the delivery.  I jumped at the opportunity to finish being pregnant at 39 weeks and scheduled the induction for Friday, May 13th and this was the first of my 3 mistakes.  I will never be induced again - girl scouts honor.  I won't go into details, but lets just say that the morning of the induction, magically my platelet count dropped and in combination with my "mystery illness" I was unable to receive and epidural.  I was not informed of this little...inconvenience...until I was 4 hours into the induction.  Be that as it may, I was not at all prepared for childbirth...mistake number 2...I was sure to call all my pregnant friends immediately after I scarfed down my Burger King double bacon burger and large fry and try and convince them to take childbirth classes no matter how much hooey they thought they were.  I didn't want to wait to let them know, lest I lay eyes on my new, beautiful daughter and magically forget all the pain.  P.S.  I still remember the pain. 
You may be wondering what mistake number 3 was...evidently, it was not keeping my cell phone on during the delivery.  My mother, clearly worried that I hadn't called her every step of the way, took it upon herself to call the delivery ward of the hospital.  You wouldn't think that you could be embarrassed after the delivery of a baby...not at all true.  When the nurse entered my room moments after delivery and asked me if I knew "so and so."  I felt my face flush as the entire room erupted into laughter when I admitted that it was my mother and shooed my husband out of the room to answer her call.  Needless to say, she arrived the next day.
So far motherhood has been pretty decent.  In the beginning it was more or less like I had reverted to college - only without the booze.  There was no sleep, numerous outfit changes in a day and I tried to read all the books I should have read before she was born in mere days.  No matter how hard I tried, historical fiction always beat out the parenting books.  Evidently, I felt as if parenting would come just as naturally as the childbirth I also failed to read up on. 
After a little trial and error on our part, we have pretty much settled into our new life with the little girl.  She is slowly, but surely, starting to sleep through the night and everyday it seems she does something she didn't do the day before.  I think I might be okay with this new role...