Monday, March 30, 2009

Mrs. Fuller!

I can't believe it has come and gone! Husband and I had quite the amazing and stressful past two weeks. (okay stressful first week, relaxing second week with a stressful ending) As everyone is aware, we were married on March 20th. The wedding turned out flawless and everything was just wonderful - except I forgot that it was Lent and mistakenly neglected to put fish on the dinner menu for my Friday wedding...whoops. For those of you who are interested in seeing the pictures let me know at and I will forward you the website url.

Jamaica was fantastic! The airport was a little crazy, but what airport isn't when you are jumping out of your pants to get to the beach for a little R and R. The ocean was as blue as could be and the husband and I enjoyed at trip zip-lining through the trees and kayaking down the Grand River just south of Montego Bay. Fortunately for us, we were the only two on the tour, so we and our guides had a lot of fun telling obscene jokes and taking pictures. (I will post a few on the blog when I get them all in order).

The way home from Jamaica was another story. We had a few minute delay leaving Montego Bay and then got stuck with "mechanical problems" in Miami. I was quite tired and ready to go home, so sitting on the tarmac for an hour and 45 minutes was quite trying. Not to mention, an hour outside of Phoenix, there was a medical emergency on the flight and we had to sit in place on the plane once we landed and wait for the paramedics to help the person off the flight. I completely understand having to wait, but we were already traveling for about 12 hours.

Next day, we were running errands when we notice that our car (the one left at the condo) had been broken in to while we were gone and all insurance information and adapters had been taken...Not too bad considering, but I hate the thought of scummy people sifting through my personal belongings. All in all, the last two weeks flew by and were, for the most part, very exciting and fun! Perfection is boring, right?

Pictures to come!


Holly said...

The wedding was BEAUTIFUL! I didn't even notice the lack of fish (you know my strict religious background and all). I'm just glad you got all the gifts out of the car!!! :)

autumndaesy said...

Yeah, a little creepy that someone took your insurance info. But I'm glad the wedding went well! I wish we could have been there. FYI, it's bad kharma to have a "perfect" vacation. If everything went well, your next vaca might be a real disaster! Having a little bit of trouble with each vaca means that each will go mostly well. (The airlines are more than willing to help you out with this!) I love that you wrote "mechanical problems" in quotes, like you don't believe them! "Mechanical" can mean anything from the wing is about to fall off to the pilot didn't get enough sleep last night. LOL! I would love to see some pics!