Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Okay, so I know fiance and I have been figuring we couldn't take the time for a honeymoon with the second half of our friends tying the knot in 2009, but we have decided it was very important and booked a trip to Jamaica for 6 days. It's not too long, but it is longer than the 3 day weekend we were planning on taking to Sedona with the pooches.

I have to say, this trip has now brought a whole new excitement level to the wedding. I know those of you who have planned a wedding understand all the craziness that comes along with the opinions of 18 different people. Needless to say, I am very excited for the two weeks I have set aside to be just for me and Chris and our friends and family. I have made it clear to my work that I will be unavailable for two weeks...I have never done that before.

The wedding planning in nearly done. All we have left to do is get the all important marriage license, purchase some gifts, and get ourselves ready. Just a side note...What the hell is with all the side ads on search engines? I have been researching hairstyles and make-up ideas for the day and everywhere it says, lose 15 pounds before your wedding or be a beautiful bride by your wedding by losing 25 pounds. I'm sick of the skinny bride stereotype. Sure, I don't want to be flabby, but that is me...I am a flabby person, and the fiance likes the way I look, why should I change just for the wedding?

1 comment:

autumndaesy said...

Amen sistah! You don't "get skinny" for a wedding or reunion or any event! (Can you say, "Gain it back with some to spare?") People that only eat lemonade are not happy people. This is supposed to be a happy day. You don't want Chris to look like a giant cheeseburger at the end of the aisle!!