Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Veteran's Day and Conjunctivitis...

I just want to start out by thanking all the Veterans out there, your holiday is underrated because I am still at work. The next two major holidays are on their way and it is truly my favorite time of the year. (Plus my birthday is squished in there between the two) Last night I dug out my cinnamon flavored oils and let them burn after dinner. The smell certainly does ring in Christmas; however, driving down the road with green grass, sprinklers, windows down, birds chirping, and the first sounds of Christmas music on the all Christmas, All Day radio stations simply does not work. Now, I know I bitch about this often, but one more time - for all the masses that read this blog - A cactus is NOT a Christmas tree...nor has it ever been.

So on Friday, I came down with conjunctivitis (pink eye for the layman :) and you would think I would have been infected with the plague. I understand that pink eye is gross, and somewhat of a nuisance, but does it really warrant the quarantine? My fiance has pretty much not touched me since Saturday, and those at work (because evidently it is gross, but here at work it doesn't mean I get the day off...oh no, it isn't a sickness) make me keep Clorox wipes in the bathroom to open the door with when I leave, dude...I just washed my freaking hands. I know why people don't want to get it: First there is no over the counter treatment, so you have to go to the doctor, which costs money. Then you need to buy a prescription, which can get pricey, depending on the strain of pink eye. I do have to say...of all "diseases" to get, pink eye has to be one of the better ones. First off...you don't feel sick, sure your eye goops and itches slightly, but nothing that compares to a severe allergy attack. Secondly, people don't bother you, and MOST of the time, unless you work where I do, you get the day off of work.

1 comment:

autumndaesy said...

Pink eye sucks. I got it once from the petri dish known as daycare. I'm allergic to penicillan so I had to use some kind of goo instead of drops. Torture! Hope you're feeling better, even if you are a bit of a "leper" right now!