Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Is it surprising to anyone else how quickly 2009 flew by?!?  As we end the year, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2010.

The husband and I will be spending Christmas 2009 in San Diego, and wish everyone safe travels wherever this holiday season may take you!

See you in 2010!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Library Adventures...

So I have decided to put Don Quixote on the shelf for several months and start with something a little less daunting.

I continued to read, but the more I read the more I thought, "Is this going to be reading the same adventure repeated for 987 pages?" I realize this is most likely not the case, but nonetheless I became increasingly annoyed with old Don's madness and decided to return the book to the library. So last night after my monthly trip to the gym, I made my way to the Phoenix Public Library. First, I got lost and yelled at by a lady with 5-inch fingernails. Apparently it is NOT okay to return your books where you checkout...I should have known better.

I finally found the book return and stood in line for a few where I witnessed the best thing I have ever seen in a public library. Now I always think public intoxication is hysterical, it reminds me of the good ol' days, but I think it is 10 times as funny when it happens in a place like a library. Maybe it is just that funny because growing up you are taught that a library is a quiet place and a strict librarian once reprimanded you after a sneezing attack in a library aisle. (dust your damn books old woman, some people are allergic). I digress.

A youngish fellow, I don't want to profile here, but he looked homeless, wandered into the library with an 18-pack of Budweiser under his right arm. "I'm sorry, sir," a library employee said as he stopped him just before the cushy couches in the lobby, "but can I see what is inside your box?"

"Excuse me?" the young man shouted, drawing everybody's attention, "What do you need to see in my box for?"

"I'm sorry, Sir, but you are not allowed to have alcohol in the Library."

At this statement the young man yelled, "These cans are not open! You show me where it says I cannot have closed container alcohol in the library!" The employee asked the young man to follow him over to the desk where he would gladly show him where it said no alcoholic beverages were allowed in the library.

"No!" the young man shouted, "I want you to bring it to me. Here!" (My guess is this had worked someplace before where once they could not find where it was actually written that alcohol was not allowed on the premises they had no choice but to acquiesce) The library employee had security detain the belligerent young man and went to his desk where he pulled out the "rules manual" and read the list of rules regarding food and beverage to the young man. As he read, the young man stood nodding his head, listening to the employee spout off all the things you could not have in the library. Standing by listening, I carefully slipped my opened water bottle into the waistband of my shorts and pulled my t-shirt over the top...these library guys seem tough, I didn't want any shenanigans.

Finally, after the list was cited, the young man calmly nodded his head and said, "Well, I stand corrected." He then calmly left the library. I stood watching, still fearful that I would be asked to leave once they spied my open water bottle; however, no action was taken against me and I was able to successfully return my book.

Feeling a bit dangerous I decided to keep my water bottle hidden in my shorts and made my way to the Children's Fiction section to find the next book on my list. Evidently, books written in 1611 and re-published in 1921 are considered rare books and are not able to be checked out. They do have them on downloadable MP3 files, because evidently children don't need to learn to read now that they have iPods and other such MP3 players. So it looks as if I will be buying the next book on my list from Amazon.


Monday, November 9, 2009


So a little over one week ago I set forth on my glorious 100 book marathon.  As of today, November 9, 2009 at 2:40 p.m. MST, I have officially read a total of 86 pages.  I am beginning to think my reading marathon is going to go the way of the 1/2 marathon I decided to "run" on a whim last year...pathetically slow. 

I just made such a big show out of the whole ordeal that I feel I can't turn back now without everyone I know saying...oh, that's just Kristen.  Remember the time she said she was going to knit that sweet sweater?  Or, remember when she had an inkling that she was the best mosaic-maker on the planet so she bought a bunch of glass and grout and never used it? (In my own defense here, that sweater was turning out to be about 4 times too large due to the fact I can't seem to figure out just how measuring tape works and my dogs ate my mosaic tiles...I'm not even joking...) I'm beginning to think that people are going to start using the phrase "pulling a Kristen" to express lack of motivation to finish projects. 

Long story short...I still, in fact, plan on finishing Don Quixote...all 900 pages left...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

My New Project

So, as many of you know, I am back in school...this time for the sciences.  Not to toot my own horn here, but I just aced a Chemistry exam containing information I taught myself. (I'm doing it all online thanks to full time work). I should have probably done the Science degree in the first place as I am pretty sure a Bachelor of Arts in English does not even equal a high school diploma in the real world. 

Despite my career change, I remain passionate about literature, and to include this passion in my new endeavors, I have decided to begin my own little "marathon training".  I have found a list of 100 books you should read before you die.  I reviewed many lists I found online, but this one included more books I haven't read in comparison to the many of the books I read during my tenure at the U of M. My intentions at this point are to read all the books on the list I have already read again with the exception of Catcher in the Rye and As I lay Dying for I am neither a fan of Salinger nor of Faulkner and I'm not sure I could stomach reading them again. 

First on the list is Don Quixote and no, I have not read it before. FYI,  I just heard all ye literature-loving gurus gasp in disgust from here.  I just came fresh from the Library with a brand new library card and book in tow and I have to ask, what the hell happened to libraries?  Granted the City of Phoenix Library is not the same as the small, haunted library in my hometown, but what is with all this new, fangled equipment?  I haven't used a library for pleasure reading since grade school, but let's just say you no longer pull out the checkout card and get an ink stamp with a due date.  Now you get a due date, email reminders your due date is approaching, and the chance to click a button and renew from your home to avoid all those nasty late fees.  Something tells me these fees are no longer $.25 per week - just a hunch. Had my husband not informed me that I am no longer entitled to buying books just to read once, I never would have been aware of this new and improved literature Mecca.  

So now I begin with Don Quixote and plan on moving down the list as printed.  My only exceptions are when Bernard Cornwell releases his next "Saxon Stories" in January and when A Dance with Dragons is released, though I have a sneaking suspicion I will be done with all 100 books before I read that one. 

Happy Halloween to all and Happy Reading!! 

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Massachusetts Wedding...Read at your own Risk!

Well...I think it has been about 2 months since my last blog posting. Since then, husband and I have traveled to Massachusetts for his younger sister's wedding, enjoyed some cooler weather in the valley of the sun and all in all have enjoyed the end of summer.

The wedding in Massachusetts was very nice and even hurricane Danny couldn't put a damper on my enjoyment of the "festivities," and by "festivities" I mean the endless hosted supply of Jack and diet coke. - Yes, I am the holiday drunk...I'm pretty sure that I will only be invited to husband's family functions when social conventions dictate that I must. My only words of advice to any girl out there trying desperately to change a the in-laws impression of not attempt to channel Ren McCormack's wickedly awesome dance moves while wearing a strapless dress...unless you trying to show everyone your boobs...I noticed my the SIL did not post any pictures of me on her website so I'm sure she is impressed, I know the random groomsman dancing near me was.

Maybe these New Englanders just need a Montana girl to show them how to party...

Needless to say, I was excited to get home; I don't think I ate much of anything solid for the entire trip. The night before the plane took off for Phoenix, I ordered a chicken sandwich with a summer salad, a plate of seasoned french fries and a vat of dipping sauces via room service. I settled in on the bed with a diet coke and Sex and the City on HBO. I probably should have stuck to the virgin diet coke all weekend. I have to go to Connecticut in December for my final wedding of the year...I think I will stick with water - I don't want to be 86'd from New England entirely.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Falling Behind

Okay, so I haven't been the best about blogging lately. I have come to the conclusion that this may be attributed to one of two possible excuses. The first being that I am extremely busy and just don't have time to sit down and type out pure brilliance. The second, and more truthful, of my excuses is that I just don't have much of a life, and have a difficult time finding things in my day to day worth writing about.

Lately I spend most of my time wishing life, or summer, away. (For those of you that have been to Phoenix in May, June, July, August, September and most of October, you completely understand) I've taken a few trips up north with the husband and the dogs, gone out for a few drinks with friends, and enjoyed a few good books, which is better than nothing. (I'm going to praise Bernard Cornwell here - for those of you that love historical fiction, pick up a few of his books - I highly recommend the Saxon Stories) I feel that authors (not going to mention any names here) that finish their books when they say they are going to definitely deserve some free publicity, not that there are folks lined up to read my blog.

We leave for a family wedding in a few weeks so there will be a 6 day break from the heat; it will also be nice to see everyone, weddings are always...most always...a good time. I should be refreshed upon returning to Arizona, and will hopefully have something good to write about.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I love driving around in my car listening to radio stations that play a little variety from "80's, 90's, and Today" and catching that one song that brings you back to a time when things were a little less real...and a lot more fun.

I was driving to my dentist's office today and had two such moments. The first was Amy Grant's pre-gospel, "Baby, Baby." Suddenly I was eight, spending my summer in New Jersey, playing in the pool at some obscure relative's house during a family reunion. The second moment happened two songs later with "Champagne Supernova." Now I'm thinking about polyester, shiny shirts and Dr. Martin's, hanging out in my friend's dad's basement playing Lode Runner and chatting on compu-serve. (Back in the days when you had to wait after 9:00 p.m. to use the Internet because the minute by minute cost would put your phone bill off the chart!)

Music in general, in my opinion, is the best way to reminisce. One hit of Alanis Morrisette and I am back to hanging out in a friend's kitchen swearing that it is Jagged Little Pill, not Jagged Little Pig while munching on blue frosting straight from the can. While a shot of K's Choice brings me to my sophomore year, driving up to Bozeman to party with my older sister in the blue/green cavalier.

In college I had to complete a final project in which we were to create a presentation, paper, or really anything creative to explain how music played a role in our lives. I wrote some cock and bull paper, quoting (legally of course) any piece of literature I could find that used music to define an occurrence and put it to a life event that had "happened" - hey, I lead a rather uneventful life - and helped shape who I had become up to that point. It's humorous now that there is no deadline and nearly 5 years have passed that I understand that really music didn't define me, but it certainly laid the soundtrack to one good story.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Well it is summer again in Phoenix. We have reached the 100+ mark and judging by the weather forecast (yes, I am my father's daughter and I love the Weather Channel...don't ask) we will remain there for the rest of the summer. Summer in Arizona is like winter in Montana...never ending. I'm thinking that I should have picked an in between before moving from one extreme to the other. It is just that when you are battling your fourth month in a row of subzero temperatures the Phoenix warmth sounds outstanding.

I first visited Phoenix with my sister in January of 2006. We spent 4 days lounging by the pool in the glorious sun. When I returned to Montana, we flew into Bozeman and landed at about 9:00 p.m. After leaving my sister's apartment for the trip home, I was stuck in Livingston because the highway was shut down due to high winds and blowing snow. That was the proverbial straw, and upon arriving home I promptly packed my bags, said goodbye to the dad and stepmother and hauled my ass back to Arizona.

My first summer in Arizona, it hadn't rained for 180-some days. The sun was brutal and I began to think that maybe I had made the wrong choice. The rain came, it cooled down, and lo and behold, Arizona was fantastic once again! Here I am starting my fourth summer and things aren't so bad anymore. It is true you get used to it. It helps that all your friends and family in the Northeast and Northwest hold all major events (weddings, family reunions, etc.) during the summer. Spending the time away helps assuage the continuous heat.

So when people ask, how can you handle all that heat. It's simple. Spend as much time in it as you can, travel up north, and dole out the cash for the air conditioning bill. You do get used to it.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ah, the Last Day of April

Yes, that is a sigh of relief. This month has been brutal. March was fantastic! Wedding, honeymoon, work was fairly stable...but, not so much.

I'm not sure the industry I work in is going in the right direction. Many folks are cutting back on the non-essentials in life, and I'm guessing sports memberships could be considered a non-essential. (Try telling your Red Sox obsessed husband that baseball isn't essential and you'll get a different answer) But that is just it! Husband will sit at home and watch it on TV (instead of driving the three miles to the baseball park) while working. In fact the baseball field is getting so desperate for fans to come to the games that they are throwing around the option of letting them take in their own food. A baseball game with homemade chow will save you at least $50.00. Take away the two Diamond dogs, a plate of nachos, 4 12 oz. beers and some water for the drive home in the probably have enough saved to purchase enough food for a week of meals.

People aren't getting enough playtime now. We took too much during the boom years and now we are resorting to working 90 hours a week because we feel there really isn't any room to screw up or slack off because you don't know when it is going to land you in the unemployment line. I am officially refusing to play this game.

I am going to work, yes, but I am going to play too, and I am going to officially stop sweating the small stuff. (Good thing I have those crazy pills) I really dislike the person I have become...all tight laced and such. Starting this month is sloshball...this is the first time I will have participated, but it's like kickball with beer in hand and kegs on bases. Then I'm going to play flag football. It never hurts to meet a lot of people - both for networking and friendship. Apparently husband and I only carry on long-distance friendships and really haven't ventured out much.

We'll see...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mrs. Fuller!

I can't believe it has come and gone! Husband and I had quite the amazing and stressful past two weeks. (okay stressful first week, relaxing second week with a stressful ending) As everyone is aware, we were married on March 20th. The wedding turned out flawless and everything was just wonderful - except I forgot that it was Lent and mistakenly neglected to put fish on the dinner menu for my Friday wedding...whoops. For those of you who are interested in seeing the pictures let me know at and I will forward you the website url.

Jamaica was fantastic! The airport was a little crazy, but what airport isn't when you are jumping out of your pants to get to the beach for a little R and R. The ocean was as blue as could be and the husband and I enjoyed at trip zip-lining through the trees and kayaking down the Grand River just south of Montego Bay. Fortunately for us, we were the only two on the tour, so we and our guides had a lot of fun telling obscene jokes and taking pictures. (I will post a few on the blog when I get them all in order).

The way home from Jamaica was another story. We had a few minute delay leaving Montego Bay and then got stuck with "mechanical problems" in Miami. I was quite tired and ready to go home, so sitting on the tarmac for an hour and 45 minutes was quite trying. Not to mention, an hour outside of Phoenix, there was a medical emergency on the flight and we had to sit in place on the plane once we landed and wait for the paramedics to help the person off the flight. I completely understand having to wait, but we were already traveling for about 12 hours.

Next day, we were running errands when we notice that our car (the one left at the condo) had been broken in to while we were gone and all insurance information and adapters had been taken...Not too bad considering, but I hate the thought of scummy people sifting through my personal belongings. All in all, the last two weeks flew by and were, for the most part, very exciting and fun! Perfection is boring, right?

Pictures to come!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

T-minus 9 days

Well we are past the double digit benchmark of this 15 month journey. Fiance and I have been engaged since December 9, 2007. I never thought it would get to this point; we have 9 days left before we are officially Mr. and Mrs. Company begins to arrive this coming Sunday, which means T-4 days to make sure my house is clean, T-4 days to make sure my dogs are clean, T-3 days to get all the goodies together for the hotel rooms, and T-2 days to finish all the work I have left for school. Someone didn't plan this very well.

Fiance and I had a very productive week so far. Final head count has been given to the caterer and cake lady, photographs are planned out - down to the last detail, all gifts have been purchased for all those who have made this so much less painful than it should have been, and I we are still planning on getting married next Friday. You can't ask for much more. I am down to tomorrow and Friday left of work for, let's count them...16 Days, and just 11 days from the beautiful Caribbean beaches of Jamaica. Bring on the Rum...(Damn, I wish I enjoyed Rum even a little bit). Starting Friday night - well, maybe Saturday, I fully plan on documenting all days in best I can for the Wedding Week festivities.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Yup, that's me. Had a full weekend planned, but after a severe sunburn on the gut and entirely too many trips to the gym this last week, I found myself passed out more than awake. Also, I am playing a little guessing game with myself on whether or not this quasi-case of flu-like symptoms will fully consume me this week, but I guess better now rather than three weeks from now.

One thing I did get out of my bout of laziness was motivation to lie on the couch and watch the Oscars. Somehow whenever Angelina's name is mentioned a sea of awkward comments and actions follow. Miley Cyrus had a good one - she is a tool, by the way, how is she even famous? - when she mentioned that she wanted Angelina to adopt her. Really isn't it enought to be the daughter of Billy Ray - Let's not start on this strange father/daughter relationship. Knowing how my father reacted to certain choices I made at the age of 15, he indubitably wouldn't have let me parade down a red carpet with my ta-ta's hanging out. But I digress.

The second awkward moment of the night was that Jennifer Aniston was a presenter. Period. What is wrong with this woman? Does she seem completely off her rocker to anyone else? And what was with the shots to Angelina during this presentation...yes, yes, I realize that she was co-presenting with Angelina's Kung Fu Panda co-star, but could we have picked a more unbalanced duo? We had the comedic (some may disagree with my choice of words here but...) genius of Jack Black (have you ever seen Saving Silverman? Come on!) with the unexciting, tanning booth addicted, crazy mess that Jennifer Aniston has become. Is Hollywood truly hurting enough to drive gossip by pairing Jen with Jack, when they knew Angie and Jack starred together in a movie that was being presented as an Oscar nominee...I was really turned off by this.

Whatever happened to old Hollywood? Glamorous Hollywood? Classy Hollywood?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

T minus 30 Days and Counting

Today marks 30 days until the wedding, however, I cannot wait for everyone to visit in the coming month. Already we are planning a week full of wedding festivities from golf to concerts and parties. It doesn't stop after Friday, either. Fiance's cutie little niece will be having her 2nd birthday party on Saturday and then we are all going to Spring Training games on Sunday. (Can't beat cold beer, baseball and warm sun on a Sunday afternoon.)

On Monday morning we leave at 5:00 a.m. as Mr. and Mrs. and head to sunny Jamaica for a laid back honeymoon (5 nights), before we return to all the hustle and bustle of everyday routine. We have booked the pooches their own all-inclusive stay at a new boarding house with a built in water park. Bella could not ask for more - except for maybe her couch and her "baby" (which has gone by way of the garbage truck as she was black and nappy, covered with dog slobber)

The wedding plans are complete. The only thing left is to receive all the RSVPs and do a preliminary head count this Friday!! After that we have a run through of how things are going to be done and any last minute changes that need to be made 2 weeks before the day. All in all, I'm glad the "wedding planning" experience is over. I can't tell you how many times I was ready to throw it all out the window and head to Vegas. (Being a mere 4.5 hours - speeding slightly - away from Vegas doesn't help) Now on to the fun part. !!

Who knows, at the rate I am posting, my next blog will probably not be until after the to come :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Okay, so I know fiance and I have been figuring we couldn't take the time for a honeymoon with the second half of our friends tying the knot in 2009, but we have decided it was very important and booked a trip to Jamaica for 6 days. It's not too long, but it is longer than the 3 day weekend we were planning on taking to Sedona with the pooches.

I have to say, this trip has now brought a whole new excitement level to the wedding. I know those of you who have planned a wedding understand all the craziness that comes along with the opinions of 18 different people. Needless to say, I am very excited for the two weeks I have set aside to be just for me and Chris and our friends and family. I have made it clear to my work that I will be unavailable for two weeks...I have never done that before.

The wedding planning in nearly done. All we have left to do is get the all important marriage license, purchase some gifts, and get ourselves ready. Just a side note...What the hell is with all the side ads on search engines? I have been researching hairstyles and make-up ideas for the day and everywhere it says, lose 15 pounds before your wedding or be a beautiful bride by your wedding by losing 25 pounds. I'm sick of the skinny bride stereotype. Sure, I don't want to be flabby, but that is me...I am a flabby person, and the fiance likes the way I look, why should I change just for the wedding?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Done and Alive!

Well, Fiance and I finished our first half-marathon this weekend. (I know all you marathon runners may ho hum at this, but I am a fat girl...let me be) My training kinda went by the wayside over the last 2 months, and I am feeling it now (13.1 miles if far longer than I had expected it to be). Yet, we did it, and I have to say I feel a sense of accomplishment, now I just have to beat my time next time! The bad thing is, I can only estimate my time because my race chip must have been defected and didn't record my time. I'm in the process of trying to get this fixed. I don't have any pictures of the during (thank god) but they took one at the very end so maybe I'll try to get my paws on it sometime.

Other than that, 2009 is trucking right along. All wedding preparations are in order and we are at the 2 month mark!!! Dress is being altered, centerpieces are picked out, linens are chosen, cake is designed, invites are out, flowers are done, photographer booked and wedding album paid for, and our wedding rings are purchased. So far all has gone smoothly...(you didn't hear me, but I knocked on wood right there)

I apologize for my blogging delinquency over the past month...I hope you all had a fantastic New Year!!