Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's Official!

Today Fiancee and I received the good word that my sister-in-law to be and her husband will be joining us for the the half marathon in January. This is good, because I need all the motivation I can get, not to mention I'm extremely excited to see them.

I have been running pretty much every night, and please don't lecture me on the dangers of running everyday, I know what my body can handle. I hope to eventually work up the mileage and the amount of cross training I do. Baby steps, baby steps. I even started a training blog...and to further the motivation - I will not allow myself any new clothes until I have been consistently training.

I was thinking about this half marathon during my run last night when my iPod died. (The stupid thing has a pathetic amount of battery life after charging) I got to thinking, would my iPod last me through a half marathon, because I will be the one they have to come around and pick up in the trolley because I will not finish in the time allowed (4:30). Then it came to is the Rock and Roll marathon and there are bands littering the route...would I really need my iPod? This could be a very amazing thing, since I have yet to find a pair of running earphones that do not kill my ears...My sister and I have strangely formed ears, and the normal iPod earphones just don't fit. I was glad to find out this was a hereditary trait. Seems the sister and I have several unpleasant hereditary traits in common. is go time. My motivation is up, my expectations are low...what else could spell success.

I'll keep you posted on my progress...for now, here is a picture of my wee nephew on his first birthday...gotta love the blue frosting.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Is that mini-Jeff or what! What a cutie pie!!!